Das Music: The Spring 2016 Playlist
Yes. It's finally here. El Niño has left the building (for now). The grass is green, the cherry blossoms abound, there's a delicate sweet fragrance following us everywhere, and it's got us feeling emotions.
And so, naturally, we had to create a playlist filled with blooming melodies to take with us wherever we go. This is a collection of songs covering many eras, genres, and moods but have made a significant impression on us along the way. Although, full disclosure, this playlist was created by Das Bus co-founder Kate who leans towards an eclectic audio mix, while her partner John is much more interested in all things punk and grunge rock. Another playlist for another day. ; )
We have used Spotify for this mix, although you can find a previous Das Bus mix by Kate on SoundCloud here. If Spotify ain't your thing.
We hope you enjoy these tunes and that we see you on the road in a state of deep emotional boogie down (and up). Cheers to Spring!
Link to Spotify Web Player - Das Bus // Spring 2016
Enjoy some more lovely spring photos from our travels!